Have you been hurt? If so, your medical treatment and recovery obviously come first. But as soon as your condition allows, you need to seek legal advice to protect your right to potential compensation. There is a maze of statutory deadlines for taking legal action. All too often, legitimate injury claims are forever waived or compromised by those who assumed they had more time. The sooner you come to us, the sooner we can get your claim into the best position for being resolved.
Remember, over time, holes in sidewalks, curbs and driveways get repaired. Ice melts. Roadways are constantly altered. Witnesses move away and memories fade. Time is no friend to one who has been injured. There is nothing better than a good photograph, surveillance video or credible witness to convince an insurance adjuster – or a jury if need be – that an injury victim should recover because someone else was at fault.

In today’s world, no one should ever have to endure discrimination at work, or silently accept being fired because of it. A network of Federal, State and New York City human rights laws now protects employees against unwanted sexual advances and refusal to accommodate their medical disabilities or pregnancy. Employers are no longer free to penalize employees because of their race, religion or sexual preference without consequence. If you, a family member or friend have experienced such discrimination, we would love to help.
Likewise, false claims of discrimination by disgruntled current or former employees only add to the rigors of running a business in today’s economy. Often, business owners may not realize that they have insurance covering them against such claims – coverage that we can pursue, and claims that we can fight.

Insurance companies are more than happy to collect premiums. But what happens when an insurance carrier declines to cover you for a loss that should be covered under your policy, or when you learn too late that your insurance broker or agent failed to obtain the insurance coverage it promised to obtain? We can help. You need not blindly accept what your insurance company tells you. An insurance policy is a contract and an insurance company that breaches its contractual obligations can be held accountable in Court.

If you own a business, you know all too well the myriad of disputes that can arise with your clients and competitors, and with those who you purchased your business from. Be it unpaid invoices, breaches of contractual obligations, disputes over rights to use or occupy commercial property, or infringement on your trademarks and copyrights, the law provides many remedies that we can employ to preserve your business’s reputation and goodwill, and to enforce its contractual rights.